NEWSKFM : Severe thunderstorm warning issued for labelle : Labelle, FL Weather Warnings, Advisories and Alerts. severe thunderstorm warning issued for labelle. A severe thunderstorm warning is issued by the National Weather Service when a thunderstorm is expected to produce one or more of the following:
wind gusts of at least 57 mph (50 knots), hail at least one inch in diameter, or a tornado. (Severe thunderstorm warning issued for labelle)

If you are in an area that has been issued a severe thunderstorm warning, it is important to take appropriate precautions to protect yourself and your property.
This may include seeking shelter in a sturdy building, avoiding windows, and unplugging any electronics that could be damaged by a power surge.
If you are driving, you should pull off the road and park in a safe area until the storm passes. It is also a good idea to stay informed about the latest weather conditions by listening to local news or a weather radio. (Severe thunderstorm warning issued for labelle)
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During a severe thunderstorm, you should also be prepared for possible power outages and flash flooding. If you are in a flood-prone area, be prepared to move to higher ground if necessary.
If you are in a car and encounter a flooded road, turn around and find an alternate route. (Severe thunderstorm warning issued for labelle)
It is also a good idea to have a emergency supply kit on hand in case you need to evacuate or are stranded without power for an extended period of time.
This kit should include water, non-perishable food, a flashlight, a first aid kit, and any other essential items you may need. (Severe thunderstorm warning issued for labelle )
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Should you go outside during severe thunderstorm watch?
What is a yellow thunderstorm warning?
Other yellow warnings are issued when the weather could bring much more severe impacts to the majority of people but the certainty of those impacts occurring is much lower.
What is red alert in rain?
All India Impact Based Weather Warning Bulletin. Page 1. * Red color warning does not mean “Red Alert” Red color warning means “Take Action“.
Can lightning strike inside a house?
Even though your home is a safe shelter during a lightning storm, you might still be at risk. About one-third of lightning-strike injuries occur indoors.