Wrestlemania 8 || 2022 WWE WrestleMania Backlash results, grades: The Bloodline beats Drew McIntyre, RK-Bro in turbulent match.

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NEWSKFM : Wrestlemania 8 : WrestleMania Backlash regrouped and enhanced it. The appropriately named exceptional occasion highlighted four WrestleMania rematches and, ostensibly, surpassed the nature of the hotshots’ most memorable experiences. Charlotte Flair versus Ronda Rousey, AJ Styles versus Edge, Bobby Lashley versus Omos and Cody Rhodes versus Seth Rollins all got the WrestleMania rewind at the Dunkin’ Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island. The SmackDown ladies’ title match had the additional kink of an “I Quit” expectation. Sunday’s geniuses based upon the underpinnings of their quarrels, conveying perfect in-ring activity and new parts to their storylines.

Featuring WrestleMania Backlash was the latest phase of a warmed competition highlighting The Bloodline (Roman Reigns, Jey Uso and Jimmy Uso) versus Drew McIntyre and RK-Bro (Randy Orton and Riddle). Reigns displayed snapshots of wavering in battling the genuinely forcing McIntyre. They tangled momentarily, yet it was at last Riddle who Reigns skewered through for the triumph.
CBS Sports was with you the entire way through the occasion, giving updates and features as the activity went down in the live blog beneath.

2022 WWE WrestleMania Backlash results, grades
Cody Rhodes versus Seth Rollins: Rhodes and Rollins traded holds to start the coordinate with Rollins by and large getting the better of the counters. This played into the story that Rollins has concentrated on his rival and is more ready than he was at WrestleMania 38 when Rhodes was a secret adversary. Rhodes pursued Rollins around the ring. Mr. “Cracking'” cut him off inside the ring and immovably assumed command over the match. Rhodes won back some energy by pummeling Rollins’ face into the corner steps. It was brief as Rollins turned Rhodes back to front with a clothesline ringside.

Rhodes returned from Rollins’ control period via handling some brand name procedures. Rhodes popping Rollins in the throat, falling hard him off a drawn out suplex spot and afterward hitting a Disaster Kick. Rhodes endeavored the Disaster Kick a subsequent time and was solidly pushed over the ropes and to the outside. The activity got back in the ring with Rollins driving the dance, before a Sunset Flip and several close to falls.

Bedlam broke out as the hacks and palm strikes transformed into an all out slap battle. Rollins with a twist kick to the waist. Rhodes dodged a strike and clotheslined Rollins out of the ring. Rhodes jumped off the rope yet Rollins moved far removed and “The American Nightmare” ate the blockade. Rollins went for a self destruction plunge yet ate a lower arm for his endeavors. Rhodes entered the ring, sprung off the ropes and nailed Rollins with the Cody Cutter. Rhodes dodged the family, Rollins countered and established him with a superkick. Two count for Rollins.

After the two exchanged high spots “This is Awesome” drones broke out from the group. Rhodes attempted to hit another Disaster Kick however Rollins got him and transformed it into a Buckle Bomb followed by a high-rise Frog Splash prompted a close to fall. Rollins proceeded with the attack before Rhodes got an inversion into a Cross Rhodes that prompted a close fall with Rollins getting his foot on the ropes.

Rhodes missed a major moonsault and Rollins made him pay with a Pedigree. It was a nearby count however just two. A furious Rollins more than once taken care of Rhodes his boot. Rollins tragically mimicked Dusty Rhodes’ moveset and Rhodes established him with a Cross Rhodes. Rhodes changed briefly one yet Rollins got away. A chain of changes followed for every contender. Rollins moved up Rhodes with the leggings; in any case, Rhodes moved through and got the leggings for a three-count. A fabulous match, stunningly better than their first. The Cody Rhodes equation is exciting, yet the steady bogus completions can decrease the effect of their completing moves. By the by, a staggering coordinate that might have been a moment exemplary with higher stakes.
Bobby Lashley versus Omos: Lashley quickly took the battle to Omos, clubbing him with blows early. Lashley attempted to run the ropes however was captured by his ex-chief MVP. Omos dominated. He dropped Lashley’s head into the corner and stuck him with a major boot. Omos gagged Lashley against the center rope while MVP went on and on. Lashley then, at that point, moved onto Omos’ back and grabbed a back bare stifle yet Omos flung him off. After a lance into the corner by Lashley, “The Almighty” tied up Omos’ arms in the ropes and walloped him with unprotected strikes.

Lashley met MVP beyond the ring. MVP swung with his stick yet Lashley avoided. Lashley grabbed The Hurt Lock on MVP. Omos meddled, getting Lashley’s head with his palm. Lashley countered and established Omos. Lashley secured in The Hurt Lock while Omos was kneeling down. Omos seemed to go out yet thundered to life and drove Lashley into the corner. That constrained the ref to break the hold. Large elbow strikes to Lashley’s vault in the corner. Lashley assumed back command and handled one more lance in the corner. Lashley figured out how to raise Omos up and drop him onto his back.

Lashley took off for the match-finishing lance however Omos avoided it and MVP hit Lashley with his stick while the arbitrator was occupied. Omos got Lashley and dropped him for the pinfall triumph. It was a fine match, particularly thinking about Omos’ relative naiveté.
AJ Styles versus Edge: Styles quickly bounced on Edge, beating him back to the corner and creaming Edge with a baseball slide followed by an Asai Moonsault to the outside. Styles focused on the Phenomenal Forearm too soon and Edge countered with a boot to Styles’ harmed shoulder. Edge kept on dealing with the shoulder, tossing Styles into the ring post. Edge tore the Kinesio tape off his rival’s shoulder and kept on focusing on the harmed body part.

Following stretched out maltreatment to the shoulder, Styles figured out how to dodge under one of Edge’s assaults and clock him with the Pele Kick. A twofold crossbody left the two contenders reeling on the floor. “The Phenomenal” one pursued for a fire fighter’s convey however his shoulder didn’t hold up. Styles tracked down a more innovative method for establishing his enemy. Styles assembled the energy to set up Edge for the fire fighter’s convey into a shoulder breaker. Edge answered with a backbreaker variety into a crossface. Styles progressed into his particular Calf Crusher and Edge figured out how to go after the ropes to break the accommodation.

Styles restarted the activity with a german suplex, before Edge clutched the corner turnbuckle cushion and it removed it. Styles avoided a lance and Edge went into the uncovered clasp. Styles then got a two-rely on the pinfall endeavor. Edge pummeled Styles. Edge set up for The Spear yet Styles countered and established Edge with the Styles Clash before Damian Priest arose yet stayed on the walkway way as he was restricted from ringside. Finn Balor showed up and went after Priest. The disorder permitted a veiled aggressor to knock Styles off the top rope while the official was occupied. Edge secured a strangle hold and Styles went oblivious. Rhea Ripley was uncovered to be the veiled lady, authoritatively lining up with Edge’s Judgment Day stable. Edge and Styles sorted out a strong match. Ripley’s introduction into Edge’s steady in addition to Balor’s contribution in the quarrel give the match a half-grade reward.
Charlotte Flair (c) versus Ronda Rousey – – SmackDown ladies’ title (“I Quit” match): Flair opened with a clothesline before a short whirlwind of offense by Rousey which Flair came by spiking Rousey with a German suplex. Rousey countered an early Figure Eight endeavor and handled a flying knee. Rousey chased the armbar yet the two ladies dropped out of the ring and Flair over and again showed Rousey into the blockade before rehashed slashes to Flair. The two advanced up the slope where the pair each snagged kendo sticks. “The Queen” got her hands on two kendo sticks and struck Rousey in the ribs with the weapons. “Raucous” then, at that point, reversed the situation and snagged two kendo sticks and over and over struck Flair.

In the wake of advancing down to the ring, Flair snatched a camcorder from a ringside cameraman and flung it toward Rousey and their battle bubbled over into the group. Pizazz dazed Rousey with a beverage to the face and tossed her into another blockade. Pizazz caught Rousey between step railings and locked on a camel grasp. Rousey wouldn’t stop. Style attempted to hit Rousey with a seat yet the previous UFC champion tore it from her hands. Pizazz got away back to ringside in the midst of “we need tables” drones from the group. Energy powerbombed Rousey into the ringside blockade. Rousey won back control however a rake to the eyes snuffed that out.

Rousey tied up Flair in the corner in a Tree of Woe with Flair hanging topsy turvy, confronting ringside, while Rousey locked on a profound armbar. Energy over and again would not stop in spite of having her arm completely broadened. The two ladies tumbled to the floor. Style then more than once struck Rousey and established the challenger with a Natural Selection against the seat in the ring. Pizazz secured in her Figure Eight completing move. Rousey wouldn’t stop and crushed a close by seat against Flair’s head. Style provoked Rousey, wishing her a blissful Mother’s Day and afterward Rousey exploited Flair’s arm inside a steel seat and grabbed the armbar. Rousey forced the armbar and Flair shouted “I Quit!” A major enhancement for their WrestleMania coordinate with decent spots and great energy swings.

Silly Moss versus Blissful Corbin: A tussle for strength started off the match. Greenery gotten serious about jumps and hip-threw Corbin. Corbin answered with a high-point chokeslam. Corbin wallop Moss’ face against the blockade. Corbin with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Corbin flipped Moss onto his back and conveyed a senton. Greenery started to lead the pack with a dangerous lance in the corner and afterward threw Corbin with a fallaway hammer. Corbin assumed command and deprecated Moss while conveying punches. Greenery at last warded off Corbin on the top rope however missed with elevated offense. Greenery ran into the Deep Six however got his shoulder up for the two-count. Greenery exploited an inwardly charged Corbin, evading a clothesline and handling a dusk flip to score the pinfall and celebrated as a baffled Corbin looked on. A fine counterpart for what it was.
The Bloodline (Roman Reigns, Jey Uso and Jimmy Uso) versus Drew McIntyre and RK-Bro (Randy Orton and Riddle): Riddle assumed early command over Jimmy, similar as their new match on SmackDown. McIntyre established Jimmy with a suplex and called to confront Roman Reigns. Paul Heyman demanded that Reigns didn’t have anything to demonstrate, yet all the same the undisputed boss labeled in. Reigns faked out McIntyre by quickly labeling in Jey, evoking boos from the group. Jimmy then labeled himself in and the siblings amassed Riddle. Heyman just entreated Reigns to tag in once Jimmy had Riddle in an awful position, which he did.

Rules beat down on Riddle, pummeling him with an elbow and insulting the group. The undisputed WWE all inclusive hero established Riddle with a ura nage. Baffled evaded Jimmy’s corner sprinkle and almost labeled in his accomplices; nonetheless, Jey captured by bushwhacking both Riddle and Orton. A flying kick by Riddle opened the entryway for a truly necessary tag to McIntyre. Rules, who labeled himself in the ring minutes earlier, examined concern painted all over. Rules stirred himself up and met his bigger adversary in the focal point of the ring. McIntyre and Reigns traded blows. McIntyre assumed command, throwing Reigns across the ring and landing neck breakers on both McIntyre and Jimmy. An interruption from Jey made an opening for Reigns to land a mark Superman punch.

Reigns wore out McIntyre in the corner with crashing blows as the group recited for Orton to tag in. Rules modest shotted Riddle and estranged Orton, setting up McIntyre to land the Claymore Kick. The crowd thundered for Orton, who labeled in and rebuffed The Usos with his mark powerslams. “One of a kind Orton” raised its head with a rope-helped DDT. “The Viper” hit Reigns with a RKO. He ate a superkick by Jimmy Uso yet snapped back and scored another RKO. McIntyre set up Jey for the Claymore; be that as it may, The Usos got him with a twofold superkick.

Question and Jey labeled into the match and Riddle detonated to life. He rebuffed Jey with different moves including suplexes and sentons. He kept Reigns and Jimmy under control with flying knees. Question handled his particular Floating Bro for a close to fall on Jey. Jey hit Riddle with a spring up neckbreaker yet Orton separated the pin endeavor. Rules lept off the steel steps and dozed Orton with a Superman punch. McIntyre endeavored to put Reigns through the hosts’ table. An interruption from Jimmy permitted Reigns to hammer McIntyre through the table with a uranage. Question dove onto Reigns and Jimmy. Question and Jey traded moves in the ring. Question handled a top-rope RKO onto Jey yet Reigns dealt with a visually impaired tag at the last second. A clueless Riddle succumbed to a match-finishing lance from Reigns. Incredible power from all members, great activity and strong person work from Reigns and McIntyre.
The Bloodline (Roman Reigns, Jey Uso and Jimmy Uso) versus Drew McIntyre and RK-Bro (Randy Orton and Riddle): Riddle assumed early command over Jimmy, similar as their new match on SmackDown. McIntyre established Jimmy with a suplex and called to confront Roman Reigns. Paul Heyman demanded that Reigns didn’t have anything to demonstrate, yet all the same the undisputed boss labeled in. Reigns faked out McIntyre by quickly labeling in Jey, evoking boos from the group. McIntyre and Riddle each hammered Jey. Jimmy labeled himself in and the siblings amassed Riddle. Heyman just beseeched Reigns to tag in once Jimmy had Riddle in a terrible position.

Rules beat down on Riddle, pummeling him with an elbow and insulting the group. The undisputed WWE general hero established Riddle with a uranage. Baffled evaded Jimmy’s corner sprinkle and almost labeled in his accomplices; in any case, Jey captured by bushwhacking both Riddle and Orton. A flying kick by Riddle opened the entryway for a truly necessary tag to McIntyre. Rules, who labeled himself in the ring minutes earlier, viewed concern painted all over. Rules stirred himself up and met his bigger enemy in the focal point of the ring. McIntyre and Reigns traded blows. McIntyre assumed command, throwing Reigns across the ring and landing neck breakers on both McIntyre and Jimmy. An interruption from Jey made an opening for Reigns to land a mark Superman Punch.

Reigns wore out McIntyre in the corner with crashing blows as the group recited for Orton to tag in. Rules modest shotted Riddle and offended Orton, setting up McIntyre to land the Claymore Kick. The crowd thundered for Orton, who labeled in and rebuffed The Usos with his mark powerslams. “Classic Orton” raised its head with a rope-helped DDT. “The Viper” hit Reigns with a RKO. He ate a superkick by Jimmy Uso yet snapped back and scored another RKO. Jey Uso intruded on the pinfall. McIntyre set up Jey for the Claymore; in any case, The Usos got him with a twofold superkick.

Conundrum and Jey labeled into the match. Question detonated to life. He rebuffed Jey with different moves including suplexes and sentons. He kept Reigns and Jimmy under control with flying knees. Puzzle handled his unique Floating Bro for a close to fall on Jey. Jey hit Riddle with a spring up neckbreaker however Orton separated the pin endeavor. Rules lept off the steel steps and rested Orton with a Superman Punch. McIntyre endeavored to put Reigns through the broadcasters’ table. An interruption from Jimmy permitted Reigns to hammer McIntyre through the table with a uranage. Question dove onto Reigns and Jimmy. Enigma and Jey traded moves in the ring. Enigma handled a top-rope RKO onto Jey yet Reigns figured out how to tag in at the last second. A clueless Riddle succumbed to a match-finishing lance from Reigns. Incredible power from all members, great activity and strong person work from Reigns and McIntyre.

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