Fill Surprising Boots" was progressing forward ahead Friday night at the Hollywood Bowl when a meteor hit the stage and set the melodic on fire

This planetary body goes by the name of Wayne Brady, who rehashed his Broadway execution at the Bowl this week's end as Lola in Harveyxt

The show, which is set in a shoe plant in Northampton, England, isn't undeniably suitable for outside show. David Rockwell's mechanical

framework set gives off an impression of being lost on the colossal stage, and the ordinary British milieu spreads in the SoCal evening airext

Jerry Mitchell, who facilitated the primary Broadway creation and won a Tony for his development, mounted the week's end show unequivocally text

There was little point in looking straight ahead at the stage regardless, for those with premium seats. Believe it or notext

Fill Jake Shears, frontman of the Scissor Sisters, was justifying himself warmly as Charlie, the shoe plant owner's kid, who startlinglyext

winds up responsible for the business after his father fails horrendously. Be that as it may, the melodic notwithstandingxt

Considering the Miramax film, "Uncommon Boots" has a lot of history to walk through before Lola turns up with the chargeme text

Fill iLauper won a Tony for her score, yet the numbers close to the start of the show didn't clutch hold of the group in areas