The Sosusweli region belongs to an extensive area of southern Namib with homogeneous features (about 32.000 km²)

that extend between the Koichub and Kuiseb rivers. The area is characterized by high sand dunes of bright pink-to-orange

color, indicative of the high concentration of iron in the sand and the resulting oxidation processes. The oldest mounds are

of a more intense red colour. These dunes are the tallest in the world; Many of them are above 200 m, the highest one

nicknamed Big Daddy, which is about 325 m high, although the highest dune in the Namib Desert, Dune 7, is about 388

m high.Traces in the sand, left by insects and other small animals The highest and more stable mounds are partly

covered by relatively rich vegetation, which is mainly watered by numerous underground and ephemeral rivers

that flood the pans seasonally, forming the swamp that is locally known as the Veli. is referred to as; When dry, these

pans appear almost white in color due to the high concentration of salt. Another relevant source of water for

Sossusvlei is humidity brought on by daily morning fog that enters the desert from the Atlantic Ocean.