Emperor Shah Jahan began the construction of the Red Fort on 12 May 1638, when he decided to move his capital from

Agra to Delhi. Originally red and white, Shah Jahan's favorite colours, its design is attributed to architect Ustad Ahmad

Lahori, who also built the Taj Mahal. The fort is situated on the banks of the Yamuna River, which fed the moat

surrounding most of the walls. Construction began on 13 May 1638.01 in the holy Islamic month of Muharram, under

the supervision of Shah Jahan, it was completed on 6 April 1648. Unlike other Mughal forts, the boundary walls of the

Red Fort are asymmetrical to contain the old Salimgarh Fort. 04 The fort-mahal was the focal point of the city of

Shahjahanabad, which is present-day Old Delhi. Shah Jahan's successor, Aurangzeb, added the Moti Masjid (Pearl Mosque)

to the emperor's private quarters, building the barbarika in front of the two main gates to make the palace entrance

more curved.In 1760, the Marathas removed and melted down the silver ceiling of the Diwan-i-Khas to raise funds for the defense of

Delhi from the forces of Ahmad Shah Durrani. In 1761, after the Marathas lost the Third Battle of Panipat, Delhi was

raided by Ahmad Shah Durrani. Ten years later, the Marathas, at the behest of the exiled Emperor Shah Alam

and acting as mercenaries, recaptured Delhi from the Rohilla Afghans. Mahadji Scindia, the general of the Maratha army,

bowed to the Mughal emperor Shah Alam for showing his subordination. Thus, Shah Alam was restored to the throne.