Kruger National Park is a South African national park and one of the largest game reserves in Africa.

It covers an area of 19,623 km (7,576 sq mi) in the provinces of Limpopo and Mpumalanga in northeastern

South Africa, and extends 360 km from north to south and 65 km (40 mi) from east to west. Is. The administrative

headquarters are in Skukuza. Areas of the park were first protected by the government of the South African Republic in 1898, and

it became South Africa's first national park in 1926. To the west and south of the Kruger National Park are the two South African provinces

of Limpopo and Mpumalanga respectively. To the north is Zimbabwe, and to the east is Mozambique. It is now part of the Great Limpopo

Transfrontier Park, a peace park that links Kruger National Park with Gonarezo National Park in Zimbabwe and Limpopo National Park in

Mozambique.The park is part of the Kruger to Canyon Biosphere, an area designated by the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural

Organization (UNESCO) as an International Human and Biosphere Reserve.The park has nine main gates that allow entry to the various campsites

Organization (UNESCO) as an International Human and Biosphere Reserve.The park has nine main gates that allow entry to the various campsites