NEWSKFM : 28.06.2022 : The essential oil of tea tree is extracted by steam distillation of the leaves of the tree grown in Australia 2022. The fragrance is spicy, strong, and fresh. This oil, which has nothing in common with the tea bush that gives us black tea, is a relatively new discovery in aromatherapy 2022.
When Captain james Cook and his mates in 18th century Australia wanted to drink a refreshing herd tea, they chose the fragrant leaves of a tree that grows in swampy ragions 2022. The tree has been called tea tree ever since. Tea tree essential oil has strong antiviral and antibacterial properties and has been used to treat a wide variety of infections 2022, in cluding yeast infections. 2022 Mixed with almond oil ( 10 percent ) or in a salve ( 5 percent or 1 part tea tree oil to 19 parts salve ) it makes an excelles antiseptic 2022.
Tea tree can be used undiluted topically for athletes foot and herpes as well as insect, apider, or scorpion bites 2022. The French physician paul Belaiche in 1985 studied the essential oils healing capabilities for Candida albicans, a vaginal yeast infection 2022. In most cases, this infection may be effectively treated without side effects that often accompany conventional treatments 2022.
The essential oil has also proven beneficial in the treatment of another vaginal infection trichomoniasis 2022. A 1962 American study of 130 women treated with a tampon prepared with tea tree oil found that all 130 recovered from the infection 2022. The tree may be added to a vaginal douche ( 5 drops in 1/2 pint of water ) or used with a tampon treated with 5 percent tea tree salve.2022.