NEWSKFM : Is a condyle a projection or depression : A condyle is a protrusion, usually a rounded protrusion, at the end of a bone that joins another bone to form a joint. The condyles are found in various parts of the body, including the knees, elbows, and jaw. The opposite surface of the second bone, with which the condyle articulates, is usually a corresponding depression called the fossa or facet.

7.2 Bone Markings | is a condyle a projection or depression.
Bone surface properties vary widely depending on function and location in the body. Table 7.2 describes the bony landmarks shown in (Fig. 7.2.1).There are three general categories of markings on bones: (1) joints, (2) protrusions, and (3) holes. As the name suggests, a joint is the connection between two bone surfaces (articulus = “joint”).
These surfaces tend to conform to one another, e.g. one is rounded and the other dished to facilitate the joining process. A protrusion is an area of bone that protrudes from the bone surface. These are the attachment points for tendons and ligaments.
In general, their size and shape are indicative of the forces exerted by bone attachments. An opening is an opening or groove in a bone that allows blood vessels and nerves to enter the bone. As with other signs, their size and shape reflect the size of the vessels and nerves that enter the bone at those locations.
Bone Markings (Table 7.2) | ||
Marking | Description | Example |
Articulations | Where two bones meet | Knee joint |
Head | Prominent rounded surface | Head of femur |
Facet | Flat surface | Vertebrae |
Condyle | Rounded surface | Occipital condyles |
Projections | Raised markings | Spinous process of the vertebrae |
Protuberance | Protruding | Chin |
Process | Prominence feature | Transverse process of vertebra |
Spine | Sharp process | Ischial spine |
Tubercle | Small, rounded process | Tubercle of humerus |
Tuberosity | Rough surface | Deltoid tuberosity |
Line | Slight, elongated ridge | Temporal lines of the parietal bones |
Crest | Ridge | Iliac crest |
Holes | Holes and depressions | Foramen (holes through which blood vessels can pass through) |
Fossa | Elongated basin | Mandibular fossa |
Fovea | Small pit | Fovea capitis on the head of the femur |
Sulcus | Groove | Sigmoid sulcus of the temporal bones |
Canal | Passage in bone | Auditory canal |
Fissure | Slit through bone | Auricular fissure |
Foramen | Hole through bone | Foramen magnum in the occipital bone |
Meatus | Opening into canal | External auditory meatus |
Sinus | Air-filled space in bone | Nasal sinus |
Anatomy, Bone Markings | is a condyle a projection or depression.
Introduction :
Bone markers are invaluable in identifying individual bones and bone fragments and aiding in the understanding of functional and developmental anatomy. They are used by doctors and surgeons, especially orthopaedists, radiologists, coroners, medical examiners, osteologists and anatomists.
While the untrained eye may miss bone marks as bone outlines, they are not that simple. Bone markers play an important role in human and animal anatomy and physiology. (is a condyle a projection or depression0
The functionality of the markings on the bones ranges from the ability to slide joints past one another or fix bones, to structural support for muscles and connective tissue, to peripheral stabilization and protection of nerves, vessels and connective tissue.Understanding the importance of bone markers allows for a better understanding of bone anatomy and its functional relationships with soft tissue.
Common Bone Markings | is a condyle a projection or depression.
Angles: Sharp bony angles that can serve as bony or soft tissue attachments, but are often used for accurate anatomical description. Examples include the superior, inferior, and acromial corners of the scapula and the superior, inferior, and lateral corners of the occiput.
Flesh – Usually refers to the largest and most prominent segment of bone. Examples include the shaft or shank of long bones such as the femur and humerus.
Condyle – refers to a large swelling that often provides structural support to the overlying hyaline cartilage.It bears the brunt of the forces exerted by the joint. Examples include the knee (hinge) joint formed by the lateral and medial condyles of the femur and the lateral and medial condyles of the tibia.
In addition, the occiput has an occipital condyle that articulates with the atlas (C1) and is responsible for approximately 25 degrees of cervical flexion and extension.
Ridge – Projecting or convex part of the crest of the bone. The ridges are often places where connective tissue attaches muscle to bone.The iliac crest is on the hip.
Shaft – Refers to the main part of the shaft of a long bone. Long bones, including the femur, humerus, and tibia, have shafts.
Epicondyle – a bump in the upper part of the condyle. The epicondyle attaches muscles and connective tissue to the bones and thus supports this musculoskeletal system.Examples include the medial and lateral epicondyles of the femur and the medial and lateral epicondyles of the humerus. (is a condyle a projection or depression)
Epiphysis – A joint bone segment, usually at the proximal and distal ends of the bone. It is usually larger in diameter than the shank (shank). The epiphysis is essential for bone growth because it is adjacent to the epiphyseal line, also known as the growth plate.
Facet – A smooth, flat surface that articulates with another flat bone or facet to form a sliding joint.Examples can be seen in the intervertebral joints, which allow the spine to bend and straighten. (is a condyle a projection or depression)
Fissure – An open space in the bone where nerves and blood vessels normally reside. Examples include upper and lower orbital fissures.
Orifice – An opening through which nerves and blood vessels pass. Examples are the supraorbital foramen, the infraorbital foramen and the mental foramen of the skull.
Dimple – A shallow indentation on the surface of a bone. Here it can receive another movable bone or serve as a support for brain structures. Examples include the trochlear, posterior, middle, and anterior cranial fossa.
Groove – A groove in the surface of a bone that runs along a vessel or nerve and provides space to avoid compression from adjacent muscles or external forces. Examples are radial grooves and transverse sinus grooves.
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Head – A rounded, prominent extension of the bone that is part of the joint. It is separated from the neck by the bone shaft. The head is usually covered with hyaline cartilage within a synovial sac. It is the main articular surface with the adjacent bone, forming a “ball on ball”; together.
Edge – The edge of any flat bone.It can be used to precisely define bone boundaries. For example, the edge of the temporal bone that meets the occipital bone is called the occipital edge of the temporal bone. Conversely, the edge of the occipital bone that touches the temporal bone is called the temporal edge of the occipital bone.
Meatus – A tubular canal that extends through bone and can provide passage and protection for nerves, vessels, and even sound. Examples are the external auditory canal and the internal auditory canal.
Neck – Segment between head and shaft of bone. It is often separated from the head by the presence of an epiphyseal scar in children and an epiphyseal scar (remnants of the epiphyseal plate) in adults. It is often divided into surgical neck and anatomical neck. The anatomical neck, which can represent the old epiphyseal plate, is often limited by its attachment to the capsular ligaments.
The surgical neck is often more distal and is defined by the most likely fracture site on the neck.For example, in the humerus, the anatomical neck runs diagonally from the greater tuberosity to just below the humeral head. The surgical neck extends horizontally and a few centimeters downstream of the humeral tuberosity. (is a condyle a projection or depression)
Notch – A depression in the bone that often, but not always, stabilizes adjacent joint bones. The joint bone slides in and out of the notch, controlling the joint’s range of motion. Examples include the trochlear notch on the ulna, the radial notch on the ulna, the suprasternal notch, and the mandibular notch.
Ramus – The curved part of the bone that provides structural support to the rest of the bone. Examples are the upper/lower pubic ramus and the mandibular ramus.
chest – cavities in any organ or tissue. Examples are the paranasal sinuses and dural venous sinuses.
spinous process – a raised, pointed bony process to which muscles and connective tissue attach.It differs from the normal process in that the spinous process is more pronounced.
Trochanter – A large swelling on the side of the bone. Some of the larger muscle groups and denser connective tissue insert at the trochanter. The most notable examples are the greater and lesser trochanters of the femur.
Tuberosity – A moderate swelling where muscles and connective tissue attach.Its function is similar to that of a trochanter. Examples include the tibial tuberosity, the deltoid tuberosity, and the sciatic tuberosity.
Mass – A small rounded mass to which connective tissue is attached. Examples are the greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus.
Structure and Function | is a condyle a projection or depression.
The scapula serves as a mobile platform for the upper extremity. You can think of it as a giant construction crane with hoists securing the cabin to the ground. In this metaphor, it is the muscles that attach the shoulder blade to the body. The crane also has a very long arm that is very posable. In this metaphor it is the upper limb.
Bony Features of the Scapula: The scapula has a medial border, a lateral border and a superior border. The inferior pole is where the medial and lateral borders meet. (is a condyle a projection or depression)
The dorsal surface of the scapula contains a prominent scapular spine. The trapezius muscle inserts on the upper surface of the back of the shoulder blade. The deltoid muscle arises on the lateral side of the spine from the scapula, acromion and clavicle.
The supraspinatus begins from the supraspinatus fossa above the spine of the scapula and inserts at the “S” surface of the greater tuberosity of the humerus (see below). The infraspinatus muscle arises from the infraspinal fossa below the spine of the scapula and attaches to the “I” (central) surface of the greater tuberosity of the scapula. (is a condyle a projection or depression)
The acromial process of the scapula is located at the lateral end of the spine of the scapula. This process is part of the origin of the deltoid, which takes its name from the capital of the Greek delta. The insertions of the large and small rhomboid muscles arise at the medial edge of the shoulder blade.At the lateral border arise the muscles teres minor and teres major.
A prominent coracoid (beak-like) process is visible on the front of the shoulder blade. This process provides attachment to the insertions of the pectoralis minor. It creates the short head of the biceps brachii and coracobrachialis muscles. The subscapularis muscle begins in the subscapular fossa.which attaches to the small tubercle of the humerus. (is a condyle a projection or depression)
The acetabulum receives the humeral head at the shoulder joint where the platform of the upper extremity (scapula) articulates with the humeral head (shoulder).
The Humerus : is a condyle a projection or depression.
The humerus is the arm bone. At its upper end you can see the large and small bumps of the humerus. The largest tubercle is lateral and has three prominent facets. These are the aspects “S”, “I” and “T”. The top (“S”) forms the insertion of the supraspinatus muscle, which is the arm’s main abductor at the shoulder.
In the first 15 to 20 degrees of abduction it is the sole abductor, but beyond that the much stronger deltoid is the main abductor of the arm at the shoulder. The median wall (I) accommodates the insertion of the infraspinatus muscle, lateral rotator arm at the shoulder.
The bottom wall (T) receives the introduction of a rounded lateral rotator that is smaller than the arm at shoulder level. (is a condyle a projection or depression)
The small tubercle of the humerus receives the insertion of the subscapularis muscle, the main abductor of the arm at shoulder level. Helps prevent shoulder dislocation.
The lateral aspect of the humeral shaft shows a prominent deltoid tuberosity, the insertion site of the deltoid muscle. This muscle is a strong shoulder abductor at shoulder level when the supraspinatus muscle accompanies the first 15-20 degrees.
Its anterior fibers serve to rotate the arm medially over the shoulder. The posterior fibers serve to rotate the arm laterally at the shoulder. (is a condyle a projection or depression)
The posterior part of the middle humerus shows a radial spiral groove between the lateral and medial heads of the triceps brachii.It carries the N. radialis and the A. brachialis profundus.
The underside of the humerus is characterized by the presence of the lateral and medial epicondyles. The lateral supracondylar crest opens into the lateral epicondyle. The brachioradialis muscle and the extensor carpi radialis longus muscle arise from it.
The lateral epicondyle is a bony prominence that gives rise to the extensor digitorum brevis, extensor digitorum brevis, extensor digitorum ulnar, and extensor digitorum ulna. (is a condyle a projection or depression)
The ulnar fossa lies posteriorly between the lateral and medial epicondyle. It receives the ulnar process from the ulna at the elbow joint.
The space between the front surface of the distal humerus is formed by the articular surfaces of the humerus – the lateral head (“little head” in Latin) and the pulley (Greek pulley).
Radius : is a condyle a projection or depression.
The proximal end of the radius is formed by the radial head, which connects to the radial head. This arrangement allows the radius to rotate so the palm faces up (supination) or down (pronation). This provides additional mobility but allows the radius to be displaced by a sudden jerk of the upper limb (“sisters’ elbow” – see below). its distal end.The M. brachioradialis attaches to the styloid process of the radius.
Ulna : is a condyle a projection or depression.
The proximal end of the ulna forms the coronoid process, which connects to the trochlea of the humerus. This joint is strong and allows only flexion and extension. The tubercle of the humerus receives the attachment of the brachialis muscle. This muscle is the pure flexor of the forearm at the elbow.The distal ulnar head articulates with the radius. The radius and ulna connect to the wrist bones (lat. carpus = wrist).
The Wrist Joint (Carpus), Metacarpals, and Fingers : is a condyle a projection or depression.
The wrist connects to the radius and ulna. There are eight carpal bones arranged in two rows. In the proximal row, the os naviculare (Latin – like the prow of a ship) is on the lateral side and articulates with the trapezius in the posterior row.
Then the trapezius connects to the first metacarpal, which connects to the thumb. Moving from lateral to central in the next row, we find Lunate (Latin – like a lunar moon), then Triquetrum (Latin – three-horned
), then rounded pea (Latin – pea-shaped).
The pea can be felt on the front of the hand. Place your hand on the rounded nub on the medial side of the hand. By moving your hand you can confirm that the pisiformis is moving and is therefore part of the wrist and not the forearm. (is a condyle a projection or depression)
The second row is distal to the first. Starting from the side of the thumb, this row forms a trapezoid (lat. trapezoid – a quadrangular figure with two parallel sides).This wrist bone articulates with the metacarpal bones of the thumb and index finger.
The second bone in the distal row is the trapezius (similar to the trapezius), which then connects to the great capitate (Latin for head). Finally, there is the hamate bone (Latin Hook), which has a distinctive hook. The space between the pisiform bone and the hook of hamate is called Guyon’s canal.
Transmits the ulnar nerve.A hook fracture of the hamate can damage the ulnar nerve. (is a condyle a projection or depression)
There are 14 bones in the fingers. They are called phalanges. This word refers to a military formation (phalanx) in which a block of soldiers line up one after the other to form a phalanx. There are three phalanxes for all fingers, but only two for the thumb.
The fingers move forward from the level of the palm (flexion) and backward to the level of the palm (extension). When the fingers separate, it’s called abduction. If they come together again, this is called adduction. (is a condyle a projection or depression)
The metacarpals (Latin – after the wrist) connect the wrist bones to the fingers. There are five of them, one for each finger.The carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is rotated 90 degrees. If you look at your palm, you will see that your thumb is outside of the plane of your palm. The thumb movements are at a 90 degree angle to the wrists. (is a condyle a projection or depression)
Therefore, we flex or straighten the fingers in the sagittal plane. But we extend the thumb to the plane of the palm and bring it back to the hand by bending it.However, if the thumb is moved out of the plane of the palm, this is referred to as abduction (Latin for discourage). The return of the thumb to the hand is called adduction. (Latin bring to).
What is the projection above a condyle? is a condyle a projection or depression.
The protrusion above the condyle is called the epicondyle. An epicondyle is a bony prominence over the condyle of a long bone, such as a bone. B. the humerus, femur or tibia. Provides attachment points for muscles, tendons and ligaments involved in joint movement and stability.
In some cases, multiple epicondyles may be connected to one condyle, depending on the bone and species. (is a condyle a projection or depression)
Is Fossa a projection or depression? is a condyle a projection or depression.
A graben is a term used to describe a natural depression or depression in the earth’s surface. It is usually a narrow, oblong, steep depression in the ground. Pits are common features on the surface of the Moon, Mars and other planets, as well as on Earth.
To answer your question, a pit is a natural sink.
Which of the following is not a depression in a bone? is a condyle a projection or depression.
The following symptoms are not pits in the bone:
Cecum: A cecum is a bony protrusion or appendage that serves as a point of attachment for muscles or ligaments.
Hole: A hole is an opening in a bone that allows the passage of nerves, blood vessels, or other structures.
Trochanter: A trochanter is a large, rough bump found only on the femur (thigh bone). It serves as an attachment point for several muscles.
Tuberosity: A tuberosity is a rough, raised area of bone that serves as an attachment point for muscles or ligaments.
So the answer is a trochanter.